Artwork Detail

Fertile Minds aka "Books Bunny"

Artist: Heffernon, Gerald

Date: 2011

Medium: Bronze

Artwork Dimensions: 66 x 10 x 10 in.

County Department: Public Library

Artwork Site: Sorensen Library

Supervisorial District: 4

Current Status: On view

About the Artwork:

Fertile Minds is a cast bronze sculpture that explores the themes of literacy and community through an anthropomorphic depiction of rabbits reading. The adult rabbit reads from an open book, while four young rabbits are engaged in a printed book and electronic reading devices. The artwork promotes a passion for learning that can be passed through generations and acknowledges the technological advancements that continue to change the way we discover, learn and communicate.

About the Artist:

Gerald Heffernon is a surreal sculptor who is recognized for his creations of lifelike works of art that shock, amuse, delight and disturb viewers. His whimsical and realistic portrayals of animals range from domestic cats, dogs, and birds all the way to life-size jungle creatures and hybrid humanoids with animal features. While at first glance many of these animals appear as though they could exist in nature, these animals are not always what they seem. The artist lives and works near Davis, California and has been producing animal-inspired sculptures for over twenty-five years. His art has been shown in Chicago, San Francisco, Los Angeles, Paris and other cities in the United States and Europe.