Artwork Detail

Fire Break

Artist: Baker, Garin

Date: 2012

Medium: Oil on canvas

Artwork Dimensions: 120 x 336 in.

County Department: Fire

Artwork Site: Fire Station 150

Supervisorial District: 5

Current Status: On view

About the Artwork:

Artist Garin Baker created a large-scale painted mural for the day room. Using his research as inspiration, the mural Baker created reflects the "heart and soul" of the firefighters who will be living and working at Fire Station 150. The oil on canvas mural is on a wall in the station's day room where firefighters relax and share meals. The imagery of firefighters protecting the lush California landscape from a hillside fire is seen quite often in the Santa Clarita Valley. Baker hopes that the mural will acknowledge the many fire men and women who perform their duties with professionalism and dedication in circumstances which are often life threatening.

About the Artist:

Garin Baker received his BFA from Pratt Institute in New York, NY. Garin has exhibited his artwork since 1983 and maintains an active teaching career. His public commissions include murals for the New York State Department of Motor Vehicles; American Road & Transportation Builders, Washington DC and Rudolf & Slatten Engineering Co., Irvine, CA. He maintains a studio in New Windsor, NY.