Artwork Detail

Among the Valiant

Artist: Haro, Richard

Date: 2010

Medium: Acrylic on canvas

Artwork Dimensions: 54 x 408 in.

County Department: Parks and Recreation

Artwork Site: Ruben F. Salazar Park

Supervisorial District: 1

Current Status: On view

About the Artwork:

From 2006 to 2009, seniors who frequent Ruben F. Salazar Park in East Los Angeles raised funds for a mural honoring local military service men and women. They hired artist Richard Haro to paint the mural who had created other murals at this location. The seniors solicited photos from the community of veterans and their families which Haro translated into the mural’s “photo montage” imagery.

About the Artist:

Raised in East Los Angeles, Richard Haro studied art at East Los Angeles College. Haro did most of his murals during the 1960s and 1970s including a 40-panel work at Sierra Park Elementary School and a piece at the Watts Towers Arts Center. He was also one of the first artists to exhibit at Goez Art Studio and Gallery. In more recent years Haro has painted portraits and taught art to the mentally disabled.