Artwork Detail

The Wall That Speaks, Sings and Shouts

Artist: Botello, Paul

Date: 2001

Medium: Acrylic on stucco

Artwork Dimensions: 300 x 876 in.

County Department: Parks and Recreation

Artwork Site: Ruben F. Salazar Park

Supervisorial District: 1

Current Status: On view

About the Artwork:

Located outside the Ruben F. Salazar Park recreation center, Paul Botello’s mural The Wall That Speaks, Sings, and Shouts is an energetic expression of movement and emotion in brilliant ranges of color. The mural was commissioned by Los Tigres del Norte, a well-known Norteña band whose portrait is featured on the left side of the wall. According to Botello, Los Tigres del Norte “write about the struggles and strength of the everyday man and woman and share my philosophy of speaking out for those with no voice.” Amidst a variety of complex symbols, the artist depicts groups of marching men, women, and children who will not be detained by a small detachment of police officers. The park’s namesake, journalist Ruben F. Salazar, is included in a small blue portrait on the right side of the mural.

About the Artist:

Paul Botello was introduced to mural painting at an early age by his older brother David, a fellow muralist. Born and raised in East Los Angeles, Botello went on to receive his BFA and MFA from California State University, Los Angeles in addition to a certification in industrial drafting and computer-aided design. In 1994 Botello collaborated with Eva Cockcroft on a mural in Berlin, Germany entitled Global Chessboard. Besides adorning buildings throughout East Los Angeles and southern California, his works are held in the permanent collections of the Hammer Museum and the Laguna Art Museum.