Artwork Detail

Art Garden Installations

Artist: Fallen Fruit

Date: 2017

Medium: Found object on steel

County Department: Parks and Recreation

Artwork Site: Stoneview Nature Center

Supervisorial District: 2

Current Status: On view

About the Artwork:

Stoneview Nature Center was designed as a five-acre urban sanctuary with a focus on health and the environment. The artist Fallen Fruit has created a civic artwork that demonstrates and inspires the value of healthy living by means of the themes of food and sustainability through multiple components that coalesce the facility’s architecture, landscape design and interpretive programs into an ongoing and holistic visitor experience. Using fruit as their lens, Fallen Fruit investigates urban space, ideas of neighborhood and new forms of located citizenship and community. They began with a mapping of the “public fruit” growing on or over public property in Los Angeles and other American cities and have grown to include video, photography, site-specific installations and participatory events in cities around the world.