Artwork Detail

Where Fire Meets Water

Artist: Amescua, Michael

Date: 1999

Medium: Painted steel

County Department: Fire

Artwork Site: Fire Station 7

Supervisorial District: 3

Current Status: On view

About the Artwork:

The cut steel work depicts a fireman’s helmet surrounded by abstracted flames and rivulets of water. The artwork is intended to highlight either the flames or the water depending on the angle in which it is viewed.

About the Artist:

Basing his artistic practice in East Los Angeles, Michael Amescua has executed many public art projects in the southern California region, including works for the MTA Gateway Transit Center in Los Angeles, the Los Angeles International Airport, Paseo Colorado in Pasadena, the Los Angeles Zoo, McCambridge Park in Burbank, Montebello Transit Center, the Los Angeles Department of Water and Power, and the Los Angeles County Chatsworth Courthouse. Amescua holds a BA in Anthropology from Occidental College. In addition to West Hollywood Fire Station No. 7, Rudy Gerardo assisted Michael Amescua with a public artwork for the Paseo Colorado in Pasadena.