Artwork Detail

Where We Are From

Artist: Mobile Mural Lab

Date: 2012

Medium: Aerosol paint

County Department: Beaches and Harbors

Artwork Site: Dockweiler Beach

Supervisorial District: 2

Current Status: On view

About the Artwork:

MobileMuralLab was commissioned to help mitigate illegal graffiti tagging at Dockweiler Beach. The artists produced community events for Dockweiler Beach patrons and created a mural with them. MobileMuralLab put on two spectacular, interactive events called Nite-Write during the summer of 2012. The events took place at night, the artists lured participants with glow in the dark paint and let people write their names and where they come from all over the MobileMuralLab truck, a former search and rescue truck with big blank sides. The information gathered from participants, including what they liked to do at the beach, informed the design of the mural. Painted over several weeks, the mural was a true collaborative effort. The artists estimated that 1,500 people participated in the events and the mural painting (or both). Dockweiler Beach is the only County beach that still has fire pits and is open late. The mural is a striking landmark during the day and glows in the dark at night. Mural Painting Process: First layer: youth-based aerosol art groups mentored by master graffiti artists painted script words gathered from Nite-Write in a palette of blue and green - the collage of words resembling the ocean. Second layer: overlapping the abstract blue and green script, MobileMuralLab painted in block text using a traditional hand sign painting method known as electro-pounce to create an interesting contrast between organic and geometric type forms. The words spell out Isidore Bernard Dockweiler, a politician born in 1867 who advocated for public parks and beaches and for whom this beach is named. Third layer: delicate drawings of ammonite fossils hand-painted in UV paint that glows in the dark. Ammonites are the most common fossil found on every continent - representing the geographic diversity of people who come to Dockweiler Beach. MobileMuralLab is the collaborative endeavor of David Russell and Roberto Del Hoyo with the mission of creative social engagement throughout Los Angeles County. Their motto is “The visual landscape is yours…take it back!” MobileMuralLab called the mural, “Where We Are From” because they discovered that people from all over the County and the world come to Dockweiler Beach.

About the Artist:

David Russell was born in Los Angeles, California and raised in the Rocky Mountains of Colorado. He completed his B.F.A. in painting at the University of Tulsa in Oklahoma and earned his teaching license in K-12 art education at Metropolitan State College of Denver. Russell completed his M.F.A. in public practice at Otis College of Art and Design in 2011. Roberto Del Hoyo was born and raised in South Los Angeles. He completed his B.F.A. at the California State University of Los Angeles with an emphasis in studio art. In 2010, Del Hoyo earned his M.F.A. in Public Practice at OTIS College of Art and Design. Del Hoyo and Russell’s collaboration was formed on the idea of hybridizing mural painting processes and techniques with an emphasis on social engagement. Their collaboration is called MobileMuralLab.