Artwork Detail

Birds in Flight

Artist: Molnar, Cheryl

Date: 2020

Medium: Glass mosaic tile

Artwork Dimensions: 222 x 180 in.

County Department: Mental Health

Artwork Site: High Desert Mental Health Urgent Care Center

Supervisorial District: 5

Current Status: On view

About the Artwork:

The artist Cheryl Molnar created an artwork for the lobby of the High Desert Regional Health Center's Urgent Care that reflects and reimagines the beauty and complexity of its surrounding environment. Molnar depicts a rosy sunset over the High Desert’s famed California poppies, and the houses that are increasingly nestled in the foothills of the Antelope Valley. Inspired by the artist’s photographic research and collages, this two-story mural, Birds in Flight, visually draws viewers into a lush landscape that is both dreamlike and soothingly familiar. Like the symbolic birds, viewers can imagine themselves flying up into the gentle sky. In thinking about the needs of visitors in The High Desert Restorative Care Village Mental Health Urgent Care Center (MHUCC), Molnar says: “for moments in my own life when I need encouragement, I look towards nature and small details such as a beautiful sunset or watching birds in flight- I hope that this artwork allows viewers to feel a similar sense of calm amidst tumult.” The artwork is made of delicate, luminescent mosaic glass tile. The fine detail of the mural, crafted by the mosaic expert Stephen Miotto, contributes to its feeling of optimism, permanence, and timelessness.

About the Artist:

Cheryl Molnar’s work has been exhibited nationally, with recent projects including a permanent ceramic tile instillation for PS19Q in Queens through the New York City Department of Cultural Affairs. Her work is featured in notable collections from Cantor Fitzgerald to Microsoft. She is currently a member artist at the Elizabeth Foundation for the Arts, and has been an artist in residence at the Winter Workspace program at Wave Hill, Smack Mellon, Weir Farm Art Center and Cooper Union. Molnar received a BFA from Rhode Island School of Design and an MFA from Pratt Institute. To learn more, visit: