Artwork Detail


Artist: Strickland, Floyd

Date: 2020

Medium: Vinyl wallpaper

Artwork Dimensions: 114 x 225 in.

County Department: Mental Health

Artwork Site: Jacqueline Avant Children and Family Center

Supervisorial District: 2

Current Status: On view

About the Artwork:

The wallpaper depicts a map of the Willowbrook neighborhood and portraits of community members that are based on archival photographs from the library, photographs taken by Strickland, and family snapshots that were offered during community engagement sessions and conversations.

About the Artist:

Floyd Strickland is a multidisciplinary artist from Los Angeles, CA. Drawing inspiration from his childhood environment, Strickland often uses realistic figures that are juxtaposed with cartoons, creating dream-like paintings. Strickland’s work is influenced by the work of many classical painters. Early on, inspired by contemporary pop art, Strickland worked primarily with acrylics, creating larger portraits of celebrities. He has transitioned into mainly working with oil. His paintings explore his childhood and the struggles of growing up in Watts in the late 80’s and early 90’s. Strickland’s work is often filled with symbolism that refers back to the tragedies of a lost childhood.