Open Call (RFSQ): Arts Services for Justice-Impacted Adults

"New Directions" by Olalekan Jeyifous.

The Los Angeles County Department of Arts and Culture (Arts and Culture) is releasing this Request for Statement of Qualifications (RFSQ) to establish a diverse Prequalified List of artists, arts organizations, and other community-based organizations to provide healing-centered arts services designed to support justice-impacted adults and their families at County locations including adult reentry centers, parks, community centers, probation offices, and other sites operated by the County.

LA County recognizes that arts and culture strengthen the quality of life, health, resilience, and the social and economic development of our people and communities. The Countywide Cultural Policy serves as a roadmap for how the County and its departments can ensure that every resident has meaningful access to arts and culture, with a focus on cultural equity, diversity, inclusion, and access. Arts and Culture provides leadership and coordination across County departments to support the implementation of the Cultural Policy.

In December 2018, the Board passed the Investing in Justice-Involved Individuals Through the Arts motion, directing our department (and other County agencies) to develop recommendations for elevating and sustaining the arts as a criminal justice reform strategy. In March 2020, the Board adopted the goals of the Countywide Plan for Elevating the Arts as a Criminal Justice Reform Strategy, which includes goals to provide arts services for justice-involved adults.

Interested vendors must meet the following Minimum Mandatory Requirements to apply:

  • Must work or reside in Los Angeles County;
  • Demonstrate a minimum of three years of experience within the past six years providing arts services for justice-impacted adults. Types of services that vendor is interested and qualified to provide include: Guided Arts Instruction and Performances, Narrative Change, Mentorship, Creative Career and College Support, Community-Based Arts and Culture; and
  • Must not have unresolved disallowed costs in an amount over $100,000.00, identified by the Auditor-Controller within the last 10 years.

The Prequalified List will remain active for three years with an option to extend the list for up to three additional one-year terms. Businesses, organizations, and/or individuals that are interested and qualified are strongly encouraged to apply.

Deadline for Submissions: February 28, 2023 | 5PM (PST)


February 7 - Opportunity Opens
February 7 - 13 – Applicants May Submit Questions
February 15 – Questions and Answers Released via Addendum
February 28 – Application closes
March 30 – Prequalified List Published

Learn More & Apply

Full Details

View and download a PDF of the Request for Statement of Qualifications with the full details for this opportunity.

Apply Now

Apply now for this opportunity via SurveyMonkey Apply

Arts and Justice Reform

Explore the arts and justice reform work of the Department of Arts and Culture’s Arts Education Collective.


 Answers to Applicant’s Questions to the Request for Statement of Qualifications



All contact regarding this RFSQ or any matter related thereto must be directed in writing and may be emailed to Jacqueline Pimentel, Cross Sector Associate | Email: