Arts And Culture Newsletters

Explore past Arts and Culture Newsletters for updates, opportunities, and events. To make sure that you never miss another update from the  Department of Arts and Culture, sign up for our Newsletter.

As we all continue to navigate the shifting COVID-19 terrain and our road to recovery, I want to take a moment to acknowledge my gratitude to all of you for your resilience as we protect and uplift and arts and creative sector. One of our critical roles in that work is investing in LA County’s cultural life through our grantees and program partners, and there are several points of light on that front recently…
The June Arts and Culture Newsletter was sent out on June 25, 2021. To make sure that you never miss another update from the  Department of Arts and Culture, sign up for our Newsletter. View June Newsletter
Like you, we are very eager to engage again in local arts and culture—to return to live performance, participate in community events, and experience art alongside one another. The Department of Arts and Culture’s programs have served the sector during the COVID-19 pandemic, and now as we emerge from it, we continue to work collectively to expand equity, reimagine economic inclusion, celebrate our cultural community, and promote arts, culture, and creativity for all…