
The 2019-20 End of Year Report provides an overview of how the Arts Ed Collective has adapted our work to support partners, youth, and families during the COVID-19 pandemic. This summative report on activities between January and June 2020 addresses the ways in which County agencies, school districts, and community-based organizations are pivoting to remote programs and services to ensure that youth across the region engage in quality arts education.
What began as a health crisis has become an economic crisis and a moment of reckoning for racial justice. Since mid-March, systemic and structural inequities across LA County have become more visible than ever before.
The New Regional Blueprint for Arts Education contains strategies for increasing arts education in school, after school, and in communities, including juvenile justice, foster youth, and workforce development systems.
Creating Connections: An Arts and Culture Framework and Toolkit establishes standards for arts and culture as core programming across all County parks, and was developed by Creative Strategist Sandra de la Loza.
Healing Through Story: A Toolkit on Grassroots Approaches is a resource developed with and for Department of Mental Health staff by artist and LA County Creative Strategist Anu Yadav focusing on the power of story as an arts-based healing process.
During the 2018-19 fiscal year, Arts and Culture's Civic Art Program managed a total of 74 civic art projects, with 21 new projects initiated and 17 completed.
A report on the 2019 Arts Internship Program, which included 203 College students interning at 125 organizations.
A study using qualitative methods to understand arts audiences in LA County.