
What’s going on? Get the latest news and announcements about Arts and Culture programs and initiatives.

The Los Angeles County Department of Arts and Culture (Arts and Culture) has announced artist, business owner, and community organizer Sandra Hahn has joined its Arts Commission, the LA County Board of Supervisors’ longstanding advisory body for the arts. The Commission seats 15 members, diverse arts community leaders chosen by the Board of Supervisors to represent each of the five districts in the County. Hahn was appointed by Supervisor to the Fourth District, Janice Hahn (no relation).
President Joseph R. Biden has appointed Los Angeles County Supervisor Hilda L. Solis to the Board of Trustees at the John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts, commonly referred to as the Kennedy Center. The Kennedy Center, the living memorial to President John F. Kennedy, is this country’s national cultural center—as a presenter, it hosts world-class performing arts that are made available to the broadest possible constituencies, and as an agency, it delivers powerful arts education opportunities nationwide.
As we enter the new year and face its promise and its challenges, we continue to lean in to key themes of recovery, sustainability, and equity. To that end, I invite you to engage in our latest work…
Hi friends, it's been a while…
The January professional development newsletter contains opportunities for grantees and individuals. It was sent out on Thursday, January 27. To make sure that you never miss another PD opportunity from the Department of Arts and Culture (as well as our partner organizations), sign up for our Professional Development Newsletter.
A staff spotlight on Arts and Culture's Human Resources Manager, Alex Hinojosa.
A spotlight on Arts Commissioners Tim Dang.
Civic Art Division annual report for the 2020-21 fiscal year.