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Dr. Jackson’s Cultural Leadership Roles Include the Los Angeles County Arts Commission Cultural Equity and Inclusion Initiative’s Advisory Committee,/P.
As we work together toward recovery in the creative sector, it is important to celebrate the wins. I am thrilled to share the news that this month the Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors adopted the new Public Art in Private Development ordinance. More than two decades in the making, the new ordinance authored by Chair Hilda L. Solis allocates 1% of private commercial, industrial, and residential development project to fund four categories of public art, cultural facilities, conservation, and arts and cultural programs…
LOS ANGELES COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF ARTS AND CULTURE AWARDS GRANTS TO 41 SCHOOL DISTRICTS TO ADVANCE ARTS EDUCATION Funded by Philanthropy, Grants Total $867,700 and Support Projects Ranging from Professional Development to Social Emotional Learning in the Arts
The LA County Board of Supervisors voted today to adopt the Public Art in Private Development (PAPD) ordinance to expand arts and cultural resources for County residents. The ordinance allocates a 1% fee from the building valuation of eligible private sector commercial, industrial, and residential development projects, excluding affordable housing, in unincorporated areas of the County to fund public art, cultural facilities, conservation, and artistic and cultural services and programs within the project’s site area.
Artist, best-selling author, and community organizer Patrisse Cullors has joined its Arts Commission, the LA County Board of Supervisors’ longstanding advisory body for the arts.
The August professional development newsletter contains opportunities for grantees and individuals. It was sent out on August 5, 2021. To make sure that you never miss another PD opportunity from the Department of Arts and Culture (as well as our partner organizations), sign up for our Professional Development Newsletter.
The Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors has allocated over $22 million for arts and creative recovery from its American Rescue Act (ARP) Phase One spending plan. These one-time funds will address six crucial needs in the arts and culture sector.
As we all continue to navigate the shifting COVID-19 terrain and our road to recovery, I want to take a moment to acknowledge my gratitude to all of you for your resilience as we protect and uplift and arts and creative sector. One of our critical roles in that work is investing in LA County’s cultural life through our grantees and program partners, and there are several points of light on that front recently…